Reverence in the Worship
Edward O. Bragwell Sr.

"God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about Him" (Psalm 89:7).

One of the most vitally needed lessons in the church today is that of reverence. "Reverence" means "profound respect, affection; veneration" (Webster). Worship is not an accidental thing. One must prepare himself for this holy privilege.

God required reverence in Old Testament worship (Exodus 3:5). Likewise, in the New Testament (Christian) worship today God requires reverence. God dwells in the church, not the church building, but in the church, in Christians (Eph. 2:22). No matter where we meet for worship, Christ is present (Matthew 18:20). How can we manifest reverence for Jehovah in worship?

1. By Entering the Worship with Joy and Gladness (Psalm 122:1). So eager and enthusiastic should we be about the worship unto Jehovah, that we will be on time, the song leader ready to sing, the preacher ready to preach, and the worshippers ready to worship.

2. By Being Silent. "The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silent before Him" (Habakkuk 2:20). Silence is evidence of respect for the Lord. Silence in the presence of the dead indicates respect for that person. Should we not be quieter than we usually are when we assemble to worship God, and not be so noisy and boisterous?

3. By Being Orderly. Christians are commanded to "let all things be done decently and in order" (1 Corinthians 14:40). Certainly this should apply to our worship. While worship should not be so ritualized as to destroy the very simplicity and spirit of Christian worship, yet there should be enough orderliness to promote reverence. To be orderly in worship let us be neat in our personal appearance. While attending the funeral service of a loved one or friend, we are careful to dress properly, out of respect for the deceased. How much more, then, should, we dress properly for Christian worship out of reverence for God?

May this brief meditation encourage us to worship the Lord "in spirit and in truth," that we may have the proper reverence for Jehovah, so justly due Him.