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Results for Year 2024 Keyword: Excel --found 8 results

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 Excellent Leaders Inspire Excellent Followers --Steve Klein (JUN 23, 2024)

If we are to excel to the glory of God, we need excellent leaders and followers. Leaders are like shepherds. Excellent leaders lead by example, in humility, as diligent servants who speak the truth in love and inspire followers. Excellent followers recognize that leaders deserve respect, imitation, and obedience.


 Habits of Excellence --Steve Klein (JUN 2, 2024)

Habits shape us. When our habits are excellent, excellence itself becomes a habit. Three habits that foster excellence are self-examination, self-discipline, and the practice of practicing good.


 Chosen for Excellence --Steve Klein (APR 14, 2024)

God chooses the average and the ordinary to be excellent and do the extraordinary. He did so with the nation of Israel, and He does so with His people today. We are chosen to shine the light of Christ-like excellence through our lives into a world of darkness.


 Excelling In Holiness --Steve Klein (MAR 17, 2024)

God excels in holiness and calls us to be holy like Him. God makes us holy through the sacrifice of His Son. As beings recreated in the image of a holy God, we are to pursue and perfect holiness in our lives.


 Praying to Excel --Steve Klein (FEB 4, 2024)


 Excelling at Serving Others --Steve Klein (JAN 21, 2024)

Seeking to excel at serving others is motivated by love. Excellence goes the second mile in serving and it is demonstrated by many very simple acts of service and sacrifice.


 Excelling in the Light --Steve Klein (JAN 14, 2024)


 Seeking To Excel --Steve Klein (JAN 7, 2024)

God deserves excellence from those who serve Him. It is both our privilege and obligation to seek to excel to the glory of God. This year at Eastside we are seeking to excel in worship, edification, works, faith, righteousness, in our daily walk, and in our love for God and one another. The intention of our theme is to draw us away from complacency and self-satisfaction, and to draw us toward humility, fervency, self-examination, diligence, and excellence.




  • Scott Abernathy
  • James Bullington
  • Jeremy Burns
  • Rob Cook
  • Kevin Fielder
  • Johnny George
  • Adam Lee
  • Brad Murrell
  • Greg Nix
  • Tim Richter
  • Justin Ruf
  • Jeff Shaver
  • Jarrod Taylor

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Athens, AL 35611


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Athens, AL 35612

There is coming a day, which no man knows, when we will all be judged according to God's Word (John 12:44-50; Matthew 7:13-27 and II Timothy 2:15). We strive to worship God according to the pattern, which has been set forth in the New Testament. Read More »