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Results for Keyword: The Way that Leads to Life: --found 252 results

Due to circumstances outside of our control, PowerPoints have been moved offline.

 The Way that Leads to Life: Why Disciples Desert --Steve Klein (JAN 19, 2025)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Honor God --Steve Klein (JAN 5, 2025)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Borrowed Time --Steve Klein (DEC 29, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Kingdom not of this World --Steve Klein (DEC 22, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus is King --Steve Klein (DEC 15, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Want peace? Trust God! --Steve Klein (DEC 8, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Cross of Barabbas --Steve Klein (DEC 1, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Spiritual Fitness --Steve Klein (NOV 24, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Healing for the Sin-Sick --Steve Klein (NOV 17, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: How Baptism connects to the Body and Blood of Jesus --Steve Klein (NOV 10, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Election Results --Steve Klein (NOV 3, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Searching for a Church --Steve Klein (OCT 27, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Character --Steve Klein (OCT 20, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Heart --Steve Klein (OCT 13, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: How Jesus being "Lifted Up" Saves Us --Steve Klein (OCT 6, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Living in Hope of Eternal Life --Steve Klein (SEP 29, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Motivation for Worship --Steve Klein (SEP 22, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: SIN -- The Big Problem --Steve Klein (SEP 15, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Immigrating to the Kingdom of Heaven --Steve Klein (SEP 8, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Death and After Death --Steve Klein (SEP 1, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Give God Your Burdens --Steve Klein (AUG 25, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Fear God --Steve Klein (AUG 18, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Baptized into What? --Steve Klein (AUG 11, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What do you value? --Steve Klein (AUG 4, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Greatness -- Psalm 145 --Steve Klein (JUL 28, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Need to Obey --Steve Klein (JUL 21, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Examples of Faith in Genesis --Brent Siota (JUL 10, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Great Love --Steve Klein (JUN 23, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: If Someone Rose from the Dead --Steve Klein (JUN 30, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: We Will All Give an Account --Steve Klein (JUL 7, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Words of Jesus in RED and BLACK --Steve Klein (JUN 16, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: How Big is Your God? --Steve Klein (JUN 9, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Church - God's Unique House --Steve Klein (JUN 2, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Spiritual Slavery --Steve Klein (MAY 26, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Real Hope --Steve Klein (MAY 19, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Church Called Out of the World --Brent Siota (MAY 9, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Way in Acts --Steve Klein (MAY 5, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The King to Come --Steve Klein (APR 28, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Plumb Line --Steve Klein (APR 21, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Denying God (Psalm 14) --Steve Klein (APR 14, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God Sees --Steve Klein (APR 7, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Are there Disadvantages to Becoming a Christian? --Steve Klein (MAR 31, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Almighty God --Steve Klein (MAR 24, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: At Jesus' Feet --Steve Klein (MAR 17, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Atonement --Brent Siota (MAR 10, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Love and Sacrifice --Steve Klein (MAR 3, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The One Church --Steve Klein (FEB 25, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Law and Grace --Steve Klein (FEB 18, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Have You Broken the Mirror of God's Word? --Steve Klein (FEB 11, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The God of the Clouds --Steve Klein (FEB 4, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus Understands --Steve Klein (JAN 28, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Pain of Sin --Steve Klein (JAN 14, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Living Word --Steve Klein (JAN 7, 2024)


 The Way that Leads to Life: How To Repent --Steve Klein (DEC 31, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: If Jesus Reigns --Steve Klein (DEC 24, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Nathanael becomes a Believer --Steve Klein (DEC 17, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus the Light --Steve Klein (DEC 10, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: False Forms of Christianity --Steve Klein (DEC 3, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Rules and Relationship --Steve Klein (NOV 26, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Why Christians are Thankful --Steve Klein (NOV 19, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Obedience is Essential --Steve Klein (NOV 12, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What Are You Seeking? --Steve Klein (NOV 5, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Plain Truth in Simple Words --Steve Klein (OCT 29, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Pawns of Satan --Steve Klein (OCT 22, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Mortals Preparing for Eternity --Steve Klein (OCT 15, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Freed From Sin --Steve Klein (OCT 8, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Does The Existence of Injustice, Pain, and Death Prove That The God of The Bible Cannot Exist? --Brent Siota (OCT 1, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Help Them Be of the Same Mind --Brent Siota (SEP 24, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Worth the Price --Steve Klein (SEP 10, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Authority in Religion --Steve Klein (SEP 17, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessings in the Book of Revelation --Steve Klein (SEP 3, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Reviling --Steve Klein (AUG 27, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Repentance Brings Joy --Steve Klein (AUG 13, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: A Chosen Race --Steve Klein (JUL 30, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What is man to God? --Steve Klein (AUG 6, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Listening to God --Steve Klein (JUL 23, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Tolerance and Virtue --Steve Klein (JUL 16, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Reasonable Faith --Steve Klein (JUL 9, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus Our Rock --Steve Klein (JUL 2, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Darkness to Light --Steve Klein (JUN 25, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What is Truth --Steve Klein (JUN 18, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Loving God --Steve Klein (JUN 11, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Not Good Enough --Steve Klein (Jun 4, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Doing the Right Thing --Steve Klein (MAY 28, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Is Heaven Your Home? --Steve Klein (MAY 21, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Glorifying God --Steve Klein (MAY 14, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Ways to Disobey --Steve Klein (MAY 7, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Choosing Sides --Steve Klein (APR 30, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Gone Astray --Steve Klein (APR 16, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Mary Magdalene and the Resurrection --Steve Klein (APR 9, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Time to Repent --Steve Klein (APR 2, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Unread Bestseller --Steve Klein (MAR 26, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Pride in James 4 --Steve Klein (MAR 19, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessed are the Persecuted --Steve Klein (MAR 12, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessed are the Peacemakers --Steve Klein (MAR 5, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessed are the Pure in Heart --Steve Klein (FEB 26, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessed are the Merciful --Steve Klein (FEB 19, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Hunger for Righteousness --Steve Klein (FEB 12, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Blessed are the Meek --Steve Klein (FEB 5, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Those Who Mourn --Steve Klein (JAN 29, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Poor in Spirit --Steve Klein (JAN 22, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Would Be Disciples --Steve Klein (JAN 15, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Refugee or Rejected King --Steve Klein (JAN 8, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Year of the Lord --Steve Klein (JAN 1, 2023)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus the King --Steve Klein (DEC 25, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Sinner's Prayer --Steve Klein (DEC 18, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Church that Jesus Built --Steve Klein (DEC 11, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Give Us Bread --Steve Klein (DEC 4, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God's Eternal Plan --Brent Siota (NOV 28, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Thankful in All Things --Steve Klein (NOV 20, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Questions Hindering Faith --Steve Klein (NOV 13, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: THE Faith --Steve Klein (NOV 6, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God Cannot Lie --Steve Klein (OCT 23, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Two Covenants --Steve Klein (OCT 30, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Self centered --Steve Klein (OCT 16, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Repentance --Steve Klein (OCT 9, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The War Within --Steve Klein (SEP 25, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Debt --Steve Klein (OCT 2, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Looking for God's Mercy --Brent Siota (SEP 18, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Will to do His Will --Steve Klein (SEP 11, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Second Coming of Christ --Steve Klein (SEP 4, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Five views of Mark 16 --Steve Klein (AUG 28, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Religion is Good --Steve Klein (AUG 21, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Holiness --Steve Klein (AUG 14, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Genuine Faith --Steve Klein (AUG 7, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Pharisee and Tax Collector --Steve Klein (JUL 31, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Marriage and Divorce --Brent Siota (JUL 17, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Bitterness --Brent Siota (JUL 10, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: --Steve Klein (JUL 3, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Unconditional Love --Steve Klein (JUN 26, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus is THE TRUTH --Steve Klein (JUN 19, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Satans Religion --Steve Klein (JUN 12, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Orderliness of God --Steve Klein (JUN 5, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Grace and Obedience --Steve Klein (MAY 29, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Rewards --Steve Klein (MAY 22, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Sin of Abortion --Steve Klein (MAY 15, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Seeing our Faults --Steve Klein (MAY 8, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Anatomy of God --Steve Klein (MAY 1, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Eternal Life --Steve Klein (APR 24, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Gospel of the Resurrection --Steve Klein (APR 17, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God the Giver --Steve Klein (APR 10, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Give an Account --Steve Klein (APR 2, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Is the Bible Reliable? --Steve Klein (MAR 27, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: A Standard of Authority --Steve Klein (MAR 20, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Under God --Steve Klein (MAR 13, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Body, the Blood, and Baptism --Steve Klein (MAR 6, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Gambling --Steve Klein (FEB 20, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Obedience --Steve Klein (FEB 13, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Openminded VS Narrowminded --Steve Klein (FEB 6, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Under Law to Christ --Steve Klein (JAN 30, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Obligation or Privilege --Steve Klein (JAN 16, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: A Life Well Lived --Steve Klein (JAN 9, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Toward The Goal --Steve Klein (JAN 2, 2022)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Repent And Joy --Steve Klein (Dec 26, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Immigration --Steve Klein (DEC 19, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Exalted Christ --Steve Klein (DEC 12, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Reverence For God --Steve Klein (DEC 5, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Materialism --Steve Klein (NOV 28, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Thanks --Steve Klein (NOV 21, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Global Warming --Steve Klein (NOV 14, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Prove It --Steve Klein (NOV 7, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Facing your real demons --Steve Klein (OCT 31, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Bread and Water of Life --Steve Klein (OCT 24, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: How to Thank God --Steve Klein (OCT 17, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Life --Steve Klein (OCT 10, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Minding the things of God --Brent Siota (SEP 26, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Another Jesus --Steve Klein (OCT 3, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Heaven is Exclusive --Steve Klein (SEP 19, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Easy Way --Steve Klein (SEP 12, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Miracles of Jesus --Steve Klein (SEP 5, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Committing to Follow Jesus --Steve Klein (AUG 29, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Spiritual Slavery --Steve Klein (AUG 15, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Absolute Truth --Steve Klein (AUG 22, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Love Your Enemies --Steve Klein (AUG 8, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Jesus Sees Us --Steve Klein (AUG 1, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Conspiracy Theories --Steve Klein (JUL 25, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Repentance as Jesus Taught It --Steve Klein (JUL 18, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Nations must Respect God (Psalm 2) --Steve Klein (JUL 11, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Wash Your Robes --Brent Siota (JUL 4, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Suffering --Brent Siota (JUN 27, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Seeking Justice --Steve Klein (JUN 20, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Respecting Authority --Steve Klein (JUN 13, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What is the Source of Your Beliefs --Steve Klein (JUN 6, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Accountability --Steve Klein (MAY 30, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Better Than a Message from Angels --Steve Klein (MAY 23, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Seeking Wisdom --Steve Klein (MAY 16, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Word of Truth (James 1) --Steve Klein (MAY 9, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Are You Sure --Steve Klein (MAY 2, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Psalm 23 He Restores my Soul --Steve Klein (APR 25, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Baptism in the Name of Jesus --Steve Klein (APR 18, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Be Saved from this Perverse Generation --Steve Klein (APR 11, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: In Remembrance of Jesus --Steve Klein (APR 4, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Because He Lives --Steve Klein (MAR 28, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Under God --Steve Klein (MAR 21, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Battle for Your Heart --Steve Klein (MAR 7, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Truth vs Error --Steve Klein (FEB 28, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Living by Every Word --Steve Klein (FEB 21, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God Chose Water --Steve Klein (FEB 14, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Grace for Every Race --Steve Klein (FEB 7, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Keep Sodom out of your life --Steve Klein (JAN 31, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Psalm_119 --Steve Klein (JAN 24, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Eternal Purpose of God --Steve Klein (JAN 17, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Importance of Bible Study --Steve Klein (JAN 10, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: New Year New Life --Steve Klein (JAN 3, 2021)


 The Way that Leads to Life: 5 Steps --Steve Klein (DEC 27, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Is one as good as another? --Steve Klein (DEC 20, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Longsuffering --Steve Klein (DEC 13, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The High Cost of a Quick Fix --Steve Klein (DEC 6, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Time --Steve Klein (NOV 29, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Snake Bit --Steve Klein (NOV 22, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Forgiveness --Steve Klein (NOV 15, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Change of Heart --Steve Klein (NOV 8, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Citizens of Heaven and the USA --Steve Klein (NOV 1, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Reasons to Serve God --Brent Siota (OCT 25, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Believing a Lie --Steve Klein (OCT 18, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Repentance --Steve Klein (OCT 11, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Accepting ALL of Jesus --Steve Klein (OCT 4, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: When Love Requires Hate --Steve Klein (SEP 27, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: When Love Requires Hate --Steve Klein (SEP 27, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Fools say there is no God --Steve Klein (SEP 20, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Changed by the Gospel --Steve Klein (SEP 6, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Slavery to Sin --Steve Klein (AUG 30, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Authority of Jesus --Steve Klein (AUG 23, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Conformity --Steve Klein (AUG 16, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Stand on Your Own Two Feet --Steve Klein (AUG 2, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God is Our Rock --Steve Klein (JUL 26, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Let God Be True --Steve Klein (JUL 19, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Have You Sold Yourself --Steve Klein (JUL 12, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Christian and Politics --Steve Klein (JUL 5, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Fear God --Steve Klein (JUN 28, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Boundaries --Steve Klein (JUN 21, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Led by the Spirit --Steve Klein (JUN 14, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Gods Way Regarding Race --Steve Klein (JUN 7, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God Laughs --Steve Klein (MAY 31, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Loving the Rules Psalm 119 --Steve Klein (MAY 24, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Ways to Disobey --Steve Klein (MAY 17, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Grace and Truth --Steve Klein (MAY 10, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Love of God --Steve Klein (MAY 3, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Faith Unfeigned --Steve Klein (APR 26, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Power of the Resurrection --Steve Klein (APR 12, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Give Diligence to Enter the Rest --Steve Klein (APR 19, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Walking the Way with Jesus --Steve Klein (APR 5, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Walking the Way with Jesus --Steve Klein (APR 5, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What Sin Does to the Soul --Steve Klein (MAR 29, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Preparing for the Coming of the Lord (1 Thess) --Steve Klein (MAR 22, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Keeping Commands for Our Good --Steve Klein (MAR 15, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: The Beauty and Importance of Baptism --Steve Klein (MAR 8, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: You Must TRY --Steve Klein (FEB 23, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Faith in Hebrews 11 --Steve Klein (FEB 16, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: Though One Rise from the Dead --Steve Klein (FEB 2, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: God Cannot Lie --Steve Klein (Jan 26, 2020)


 The Way that Leads to Life: What will you leave behind? --Steve Klein (FEB 9, 2020)




  • Scott Abernathy
  • James Bullington
  • Jeremy Burns
  • Rob Cook
  • Kevin Fielder
  • Johnny George
  • Adam Lee
  • Brad Murrell
  • Greg Nix
  • Tim Richter
  • Justin Ruf
  • Jeff Shaver
  • Jarrod Taylor

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Athens, AL 35611


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Athens, AL 35612

There is coming a day, which no man knows, when we will all be judged according to God's Word (John 12:44-50; Matthew 7:13-27 and II Timothy 2:15). We strive to worship God according to the pattern, which has been set forth in the New Testament. Read More »