We are really excited about our Bible classes for all ages each Sunday at 9AM and each Wednesday at 7PM (except the first Wednesday of each month). The elders have structured our classes, so that each student studies the Bible through every four years.
God's Word is our textbook. II Timothy 2:15 says," Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." God plainly teaches us that we should study or be diligent to know His Word.
Our goals are simple, to study God's Word and to teach our children to come to love and admire God for what He has done for us. We strive to teach both the goodness and severity of God (Romans 11:22).
We study God's Word in order from Genesis to Revelations learning how God revealed His plan for salvation which started before creation and ended with the preaching of Gospel by the Apostles.
Our young people will study the entire unfolding of God's plan three times during their school age years.
All school age classes are studying the same material. Therefore, as the children change age groups their study will always continue where they left off in the younger class.
Each time we pass through the material we study in a little more depth and add a little more application.
We also have a foundation class for the adults, where the study is one quarter ahead of the younger people's classes.
Teachers for the school age classes attend the foundation class to study the material a quarter before they teach.
Anyone at any age can study through God's unfolding plan (Genesis - Revelations) every four years.
We also have other classes for the adults, which offers in-depth study of the Bible.
Quarter 1 - In The Beginning
(Genesis) Syllabus
Quarter 2 - You Shall Be My People
(Exodus and Wilderness Wanderings) Syllabus
Quarter 3 - In The Days Of The Judges
(Invasion and Conquest and Judges) Syllabus
Quarter 4 - Give Us A King (Through David's confession and death of the child 2 Sam. 12)
(United Kingdom, part 1) Syllabus
Quarter 5 - Give Us A King (Amnon's Sin with Tamar - Introduction of Wisdom Literature)
(United Kingdom, part 2 and Introduction to Wisdom Literature) Syllabus
Quarter 6 - Till There Was No Remedy (Division of the Kingdom through the reign of Joash - 2 Kings 21 and 2 Chronicles 24)
(Divided Kingdom, part 1) Syllabus
Quarter 7 - Till There Was No Remedy (Reign of Josiah and forward - 2 Kings 22 and forward)
(Divided Kingdom, part 2 and Judah Alone) Syllabus
Quarter 8 - A Remnant Shall Return
(Captivity, Return, and Years of Silence) Syllabus
Quarter 9 Sir, We Would See Jesus pages 1-67 (Years of Preparation, Beginning of Ministry, Galilean Ministry)
Quarter 10 - Sir, We Would See Jesus pages 68-128 (Period of Retirements and Close of Ministry))
Quarter 11 - Sir, We Would See Jesus pages 129-198 (Last Week and Resurrection and Exaltation)
Quarter 12 - Go Tell The Good News (Acts 1 - Acts 15:35)
Quarter 13 - Go Tell The Good News (Acts 15:36 - End of Acts)
Paul's Third Journey through Close of Acts Syllabus
Quarter 14 - Epistles 1 (1 Corinthians 2 Corinthians, Galatians, James, Romans) Syllabus
Quarter 15 - Epistles 2 (Ephesians, Colossians, Phillippians, Philemon, 1 & 2 Thessaloniana, Hebrews) Syllabus
Quarter 16 - Epistles 3 (1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, 1, 2 & 3 Peter, Jude, 1, 2 & 3 John, Revelation) Syllabus
There is coming a day, which no man knows, when we will all be judged according to God's Word (John 12:44-50; Matthew 7:13-27 and II Timothy 2:15). We strive to worship God according to the pattern, which has been set forth in the New Testament. Read More »