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Recent Lessons
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 9 (Steve Klein)
The Prison of Sin (Steve Klein)
What will the righteous do when government devises evil by law. (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: Immigrating to the Kingdom of Heaven (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 8 (Steve Klein)
Better instead of Bitter (Steve Klein)
Aspiring to Live a Quiet Life (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: Death and After Death (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 7 (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 6 (Steve Klein)
Seeking God's Patterns (Steve Klein)
Faith for the Fire (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: Give God Your Burdens (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 5 (Jeff Smith)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 4 (Steve Klein)
Let Me Make It Up To You (Steve Klein)
Excellence in Exile (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: Fear God (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 3 (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return and Years of Silence Class 2 (Steve Klein)
Singing with Purpose (Steve Klein)
Competing According to the Rules (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: Baptized into What? (Steve Klein)
Jesus is Coming Again, What if you're not ready? (Steve Klein)
Captivity, Return, and YoS Class #1 (Steve Klein)
Is My Bible Reliable? (Steve Klein)
The Way that Leads to Life: What do you value? (Steve Klein)
Divided Kingdom Part 2: Lesson # 23 (Jeff Shaver and Johnny George)
Divided Kingdom Part 2: Lesson # 22 (Jeff Shaver and Johnny George)
There is coming a day, which no man knows, when we will all be judged according to God's Word (John 12:44-50; Matthew 7:13-27 and II Timothy 2:15). We strive to worship God according to the pattern, which has been set forth in the New Testament. Read More »