Teacher | Class | Lesson # | Year | Age | Material |
Donnie V. Rader | A Study of Church Discipline (Withdrawal): Saving the erring, the church, our fmailies, and ourselves | 1 | 2023 | Adult Classes | Lesson 1 - The Forgotten and Misunderstood Command
Donnie V. Rader | A Study of Church Discipline (Withdrawal): Saving the erring, the church, our fmailies, and ourselves | 2 | 2023 | Adult Classes | Lesson 2 - The Purpose of Withdrawal and from Whom Should We Withdraw?
Donnie V. Rader | A Study of Church Discipline (Withdrawal): Saving the erring, the church, our fmailies, and ourselves | 3 | 2023 | Adult Classes | Lesson 3 - The Case at Corinth
Donnie V. Rader | A Study of Church Discipline (Withdrawal): Saving the erring, the church, our fmailies, and ourselves | 4 | 2023 | Adult Classes | Lesson 4 - How to Treat those Disfellowshipped & Does it Apply to Family?