The devil is the arch deceiver; his power is in trickery and illusion. By craftiness he "deceives the whole world" (Rev. 12:9), and so "the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one"" (1 John 5:19). Christians must live in this world that is held under Satan's sway and that walks in his deluded ways. But the Christian who has been freed by the truth has the power to see through Satan's illusions and perceive reality! (Col. 1:13; Eph. 2:1-3; 4:17-19). "We are not ignorant of his devices!" (2 Cor. 2:11). In this series of lessons, it is our goal to hold up the devil's deceptions to the light of God's truth. We intend to unmask Satan's illusions and thus deprive them of their power to destroy our lives.
*There is no cost but we do ask that you register so we can plan and prepare appropriately.
***Audio, PowerPoint and Video icons below will become active links as each session is completed.
Friday Night:
7:00p: The Illusion of Affluence & Materialism
7:50p: The Illusion of Independence & Self-sufficiency
8:30p: Singing & Devotional
Saturday Morning:
9:30a: The Illusion of Earthly Immortality
10:15a: The Illusion of the Virtue of Moral Neutrality
11:00a: (Guys breakout) Illusions regarding Sexual Promiscuity
11:00a: (Ladies breakout) Illusions regarding Sexual Promiscuity
11:40a: Singing
Saturday Afternoon:
1:30p: Illusions Concerning our Speech
2:10p: (Guys breakout) The Illusion that Viewing Pornography is Okay
2:10p: (Ladies breakout) The Illusion of the Successful Career Woman: Career Path VS. Homemaker
3:00p: The Illusion that Drinking Alcohol is Harmless
3:45p: Q&A Session
Saturday Evening: WRAPUP AND SINGING
6:30p: "A Peculiar People - Not Conformed to the World" - Gardner Hall
**Everyone is invited to our Gospel Meeting with Gardner Hall (PM) and Jerry Faulk (AM) starting June 14th.